• Judges Application

Judging at the Santa Barbara International Orchid Show

  • All judging takes place THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 2025.
  • AOS judging is at 12:30 PM.
  • Ribbon judging is at 9:00 AM. Experienced team leaders provide an excellent opportunity to learn more about orchids and orchid judging.
  • The 2025 SBIOS Exhibitor Guide contains information about Show Trophies, Display Judging and Ribbon Judging.
  • Judges’ Luncheon is at 12 NOON. Please register by February 19, 2025 to be eligible for lunch. Luncheon is $10, payable at the door. Luncheon is complementary for AOS certified judges.

Judges Application

  • Please enter a number from 3 to 3.

  1. A special team of experienced Display Judges will be appointed by the Show Manager.
  2. Award Judging will be conducted by separate judging teams of the American Orchid Society in accordance with the AOS judging system.
  3. An AOS certified judge will lead a separate team of Ribbon Judges.
  4. Show Champions and Best of Show will not necessarily be based upon highest point scores.
  5. Judges shall disqualify themselves from judging a plant, flower or exhibit if their impartiality can be questioned.
  6. Judges may withhold awards on entries not up to proper standard or quality or not otherwise meeting entry requirements, and may recommend special awards.
  7. Improperly entered plants/exhibits may be either reclassified or disqualified at the discretion of the judges.